Here is the link to my presentation:
Here is the link to my GitHub repositiory:
A demo of the interface is located below.
Part C
The elevator I choose is located on campus. It is the Mechanical Engineering South elevator.
The current design doesn’t have the floor numbers in ascending order as well as the buttons being too close to the emergency buttons. Therefore, it can be very easy to press the wrong button.
Part B
Whenever I use an elevator, I use it to select a floor, close the door, open the door, or contact help if something goes wrong. The elevator does have these features, but users have to be careful that they don’t press the wrong button. Whenever a user uses an elevator, they usually press the button correspodnding to the floor they wish to travel. If they are in a rush or they didn’t want to use the elevator, the user can press either the open and close buttons. The elevator support uses pictures and labels for users to figure out which button to press. Whenever an user press a button, that button turns red indicating that they have selected a button. As previously stated, the floor buttons are not lined up vertically in ascending order, so the user could accidently press the first floor when they wanted to go to the second floor. In addition, the user could press the alarm button by accident due to the close proximity of all the buttons. I recommend changing the interface to where there is a clear divide between the floor buttons and the emergency buttons. That way, the users won’t be confused to pressed to wrong button.
Part A
Here is the touchscreen interface and a preview. The touchscreen interface is being run with Bootstrap, so it should be compatible to any tablet device such as an iPad. The interface contains a header for determining which floor to select as well as another section for emergency buttons. The emergency buttons are color coded so that when the user begins to select a button, the color should tip them off. For example, the alarm button is coded in red, so the user can come to the conclusion that the button is only used for dangerous situations.